Friday, December 3, 2010

Why Hire a PPSNYS Photographer?

There has been much discussion lately around photographic circles regarding the influx of non-professionals with fancy cameras who claim to be able to offer our clients everything we do, albeit at much lower prices. There are many twists and turns to this story, and of course it's been going on for years, but with the easy access to professional level digital cameras, it seems the problem is affecting more and more of our fellow professional photographers.

Hudson Valley member Lou Bedinotti wrote the following piece as something that he will be including in the information he gives to his clients in an effort to educate them on the value of hiring a true professional. Lou is sharing this with our community in the hopes that we can all transform the future of professional photography, showing our clients the reasons to hire the real deal, as opposed to the cheapest deal.

Feel free to use this .jpeg in your own brochures, edit it to fit your target client, add your achievements, etc. Together we can educate our clients about the real value of professional photography!

-Liz Ferrara
President, HVPPSNY

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